Wordactle requires your logic and vocabulary skills. We give you five words and it is your job to find the sixth secret word. The five words will have their letters highlighted like so:

White letter on black background: The letter is in the correct position of the secret word.

Black letter on gray background: The letter is in the secret word, but not in the right position.

Black letter on white background: The letter is not in the secret word.
Tomorrow's daily set of four Wordactle puzzles, as well as the solution to today's set of four Wordactle puzzles, will be available on this page tomorrow. Did you solve yesterday's four Wordactle puzzles? Here are the solutions to yesterday's set of four Wordactle puzzles:
Here are some past daily Wordactle puzzles that you may enjoy:
Daily Four Wordactle puzzles January 2, 2024
Daily Four Wordactle puzzles January 24, 2024
Daily Four Wordactle puzzles February 15, 2024
Daily Four Wordactle puzzles February 23, 2024